Creative // Copywriter


Rants, musings, observations and reflections. Sometimes you’ve just gotta get it down on paper. Or a laptop as the case maybe.

I'm doing it my way

2018 is the perfect time for a refresh. I've recently got married and decided (rather traditionally) to take my husband’s surname. But one of the first things that jumped into my head was, 'what about my personal brand?'.

I've been building a name for myself in the advertising industry as Tammy Newell, a creative copywriter with a whole lot to offer brands and agencies. I had a website, emails addresses, logo and reputation to uphold. Not to mention bank cards, passport, council tax, HRMC profile… Welcome to the tedious admin side of married life. You’d think they would have made it simpler by now wouldn’t you? 

But then it hit me – I can just re-brand myself. Companies do it all the time, often changing their names in the process. Easy. I work in advertising. I’m creative. I can do this my way.

And there it was – my way, or Tam’s way. And wait just a minute, that’s the second half of my new surname! Happy accident or subconscious decision? I’ll let you decide.

So here I am. And here you are, on This is my opportunity to shape where I'm going and do things a little differently. I could get used to that.  

Tammy Newell